Nurses Don’t Get Snow Days

Come hell or high water, hurricanes, or floods, nurses are expected to go to work every single day on time. Last week, a fellow nurse left for work during a snowstorm and her car got stuck on some train tracks. Thankfully, she made it out of the car before it was struck by a train. She lost her stethoscope, but her Dansko shoes made it out to survive another work day! 🙂 #extrastethoscopeanyone #nursesrock #thanksDansko

Thank you to every nurse out there that braves the weather, traffic, and any other disaster to go to work to take care of their patients ❤


Until my next delivery ❤

Categories: Random

8 replies

  1. And the husbands that drive them to work like mine is tonight

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My husband walked me to work in Buffalo Snowvember storm. Ultimately 6ft. of snow. I definitely would not have made it to work without him! The Monday night shift staff went home on Friday afternoon! It was quite a week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, I have so much MORE admiration than I did before for the staff who cares for us when we are sick, in labor, or whatever the situation. Makes me more aware of how thankful I am for such great weather in the PNW this winter. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m looking forward to the next snow storm L&D sleep over! It only happens every few years here so it will remain fun for me. 🙂


  5. I’m reading this, on my way to work stuck in the snow, waiting for someone to rescue me. OB nurse.


  6. Not just nurses. Doctors, aides (like me), hospital maintenance (who earned their paycheck something fierce when our boilers went down), dietary and kitchen staff, houskeeping, therapists…all of these personnel were essential to our patient care. It’s not just nurses who risk their lives and are considered essential person Ellen during these storms.

    I am grateful to my nurses. As a team we kicked ass while snowed in, but I am also extremely grateful to the support staff that busted their asses to keep us from starving and freezing during this catastrophe.


  7. I could not get my car out of the parking spot . My room mate and I dressed warmly and began the walk to work. Soon a car pulled up and asked if we were nurses. He was a resident on his way to work.and had already picked up another nurse. We got to work and 4 days later we were relieved and went home. We ended up getting 22 inches of snow this time. Patients always manage to get to the hospital so there is no snow day for anyone in the medical field.


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